

Principal Consultants

Ness S. Carroll: is an internationally known Management Consultant. She brings to Synergenics over 25 years of unique experience and knowledge including foundation work for the Australian Institute of Human Relations, and numerous consultant, trainer, and facilitator roles in Australia and the U.S. She has served as staff parapsychologist at the Center for Total Health in San Diego, CA, and has lectured at the graduate level in health education. For the past 15 years, she has consulted to numerous businesses to create or improve process design and implementation, and meet financial goals. As a personal growth and development coach, she has made profound changes in peoples' lives. Ness holds a B.A. degree from the University of Western Australia, and M.Ed. from the University of California, Santa Barbara, PhD from the International University for Professional Studies. Ness currently serves as co-chairperson of the International University, Department of Applied Consciousness Studies.

Richard D. Meaney: is a specialist in co-operative economics with 25 years of successful coaching experience with a variety of individual, small business and corporate clients. He has also had many years in a career in managing manufacturing operations, quality, systems assembly, testing, high technology product development, new product design and introduction and staff development and training and Start Up consultation. Richard has traveled extensively internationally as a trouble-shooter with a global business perspective and inter-cultural communications and management savvy. His experience includes working in upper management with such well known companies as Intel. He is also an experienced and successful project manager in real estate investment, development and resource expansion.

Associate Consultants: Synergenics draws on a large group of expert consultants in a variety of disciplines. If you have any questions or requirements for specific capabilities, please email us: ness@synergenics.org

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