
International University • Department of Applied Consciousness Studies

Life Transition Coaching Program Course Outline


Contextual overview: an overview of the major methods and processes, terms and concepts used in the Program defining facilitation and coaching; accelerated personal growth and development and the personal process; life and death / soul and spirit/ self and identity/ source; and defining and understanding transition and the many transitions a human being goes through entering, living through and leaving life

Maps of consciousness with which people negotiate the physical plane and an in-depth study of
SYNERGENICS™ and The Life Review…….. major maps used in the Program

The domain of Well Being: Specifically focusing on the physiology of consciousness; determining the ontological source of a condition; and looking at both the medical and alternative models of treatment of disease, health and healing


Relationship and transition: including pattern recognition and the identification of the family dynamic and family patterns around transitions, particularly death and dying; and, dealing with the death of a family member, a friend, a community associate, a celebrity etc.

Culture and its relationship to life and death: cultural conversations and the practices of various cultures in dealing with death and dying; and the symbiosis between dealing with life and dealing with death, our own or another’s.
Organizations and institutions that deal with life and with death; (hospitals, religions, funeral homes, governments, communities, non profit organizations etc.)


Distinctions of communication and integrity: conversations and issues about life and death; the distinctions of speaking and listening and re-creating another; and the psychology of authenticity, and shared feelings and experiences

Distinctions of belief and reality: including values clarification of ones own personal beliefs; general belief systems associated with transition; spiritual and religious belief matrices and distinguishing reality and false reality


Creativity and self expression in life and in death: vision quests; rites of passage; confronting mortality and physical immortality; the unconscious death urge at large, including the triggering of and acting out of attachments, habits and addictions

The poetry of life: transition in literature; metaphors for living and metaphors for death and dying


Purpose: Dealing with your own life and death and your life purpose; being complete on your life purpose; accomplishment , acknowledgement and integrity in life and in death and dying

The stages of living, learning and dying: the 8 stages of Transition


Resources: resources for life; resources for death; medical and life insurance, wills, trusts and trust; taxes; family relationships and the family dynamic around money

The conversation surrounding “suffering”: unusual deaths; disaster; the cultural commitment to war through history; terrorism; accident; suicide; murder; surgery and NDEs; assisted passing and guided assisted passing


Lifestyle: rites of passage of dying; personal responsibility and the psychology of transition; the process of living and the process of dying and how to determine which one some-one is engaged in; action versus activity in life; completion, completions and dealing with incompletions; desire and wish fulfillment

Contribution and service: caretaking and common issues associated with taking care of another or others; the illusion of choice and the choice of illusions; surrender and letting go; re-creating another; re-creating oneself for oneself ; re-creating one self for others; re-creating a loved one for others.


Accelerated personal growth and development: personal presence and quality of being; practices for preparation for transition; tools for transitioning; dealing with time, timing and the waiting place and conditions such as Alzheimers; and what to do when the physical body is present and the mind is not and vice versa

The spiritual aspect of transition: self acceptance and incarnational completion; methods of passing of choice; the gateways and portals of passing; Karma and attachment; past and future lives: the veil; The Life Review tm reviewed: life lessons in death and dying; and the functions and methodology of spirit communication or communicating with those already on the other side


Self Management: dealing with the death of others; the logistics of transitions; grief and celebration; life, love and laughter and the interface between laughter and tears; another look at the process of living and dying and determining which of the two one is engaged in

PRACTICUM: all participants will be required attend births, deaths, and marriage ceremonies, follow several transitioning people through the 9 month period/ and, volunteer at a local hospital/ hospice/ cancer center/ homeless shelter/ senior center/ addiction recovery program
All participants will be required to design a personal vision quest and to spend monthly time in contemplation

LTC 119
PROJECT: all participants will complete a project that will be individually designed to their own particular abilities and interests in the field.

INTERNSHIP: participants will be required to intern for a 3 month period using the methodology and practices of the Program

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